terça-feira, 30 de novembro de 2010

Endorsement Letter - Irasema - MCVPTM @Spain - 0809

Perdao pelo gap de posts, mas a medida que CONAL vai chegando perto a coisa vai apertando por aqui... vida de MC amiguinhos é boa más é dificil (pra nao dizer f***).

Agora partimos para a série de cartas de pessoas que conheci no meu periodo de MCVP na Espanha. A primeira delas é de uma pessoa que tem um siginificado muito grande na minha experiencia. Irasema Vazquez,  também conhecida Yeni. De longe uma das pessoas mais competentes do meu time, devo a Yeni a sensibilidade para pessoas que tenho hoje. Quando cheguei na Espanha era extremanete brusco e como ela gostava de dizer tinha "Zero Awareness of the Others". Hoje no MC do Brasil sou o que sempre lembra do Valor do cuidado com o outro, e esse tipo de coisa com certeza nunca teria sido despertado sem a ajuda de Yeni. Fiz vários amigos na Espanha, mas poucos foram tao significativos e me ensinaram tanto como essa mexicana cantora!


To whom it may concern,

I’m writing you to address my impressions about Gabryel Melo Ferrari candidature has MCVP of AIESEC Brazil 2010-2011 term. I had the opportunity to work with Gabryel at national level, in AIESEC in Spain 2008-2009 period.

During his term as MCVP Communications of AIESEC in Spain, Gabryel was continuously facing different opinions towards both direction and implementation of process mainly in his area. As MCVP, his main contribution was empowering and setting the basis for Communications area; by a period of time he helped the national network even more if he was part of the “MyAIESEC.net musketeers”. On the other hand, he had to change his strategy regarding the processes he wanted to develop during that year, because the country and the team strategy were aiming something different. This directly affected his mindset about the Vice President role, and also, the experience abroad; nevertheless he did a self analysis, and compromised
himself to cope with his new goals.

All I said was quite challenging for him, but he ran for the Global Communication Crew to compliment the more knowledgeable part of his role. At some point, his relationship with each part of the MC team differed to each team-member personality; synergies were made between the areas which were able to understand Gabryel’s working style. The closest you get to know Gabryel, the easiest you work and collaborate as a team, which means he has a strong positioning towards strategy and team collaboration approach.

His ability to create and innovate is something needed in each team, and I believe they will play an important role to make him a great part of the MC next year. I consider that Gabryel is a working under pressure person; this enables him to strive not only for needed but for excellent results. If this lack of time is missing, his motivation may be affected, as well his ability to deal with his immediate tasks.

Finally, knowing Gabryel’s personality, and having worked with him for a year, I believe on his professional abilities. Gabryel has deep understanding of our organization and its processes, having experiences at local, national and international level. Therefore, I wish he could have this national role to complete the professional development he aims, plus the personal development he needs. I wish him the best for his candidacy to become MCVP of AIESEC in Brazil 2010-2011.

Yours faithfully,

Irasema Vázquez Cano
METRO Cash & Carry International AIESEC Düsseldorf Partner
AIESEC in Spain MCVPTM 2008-2009
AIESEC Veracruz LCVP TM 2006-2007
AIESEC Veracruz LCVP FZ 2004-2006

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