quarta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2010

Endorsement Letter - Sebastian - MCP @Spain - 1011

Do mesmo modo que receber uma carta de recomendaçao do teu antecessor é bom, receber do teu sucessor é melhor ainda. Com certeza todo mundo quando acaba a gestao deixa Gaps que a depender de como a coisa ande pode criar problemas e inimizades entre geraçoes. Graças a Deus esse nao foi meu caso com o Sebas, meu sucessor e atual MCP da AIESEC na Espanha. Conheci esse chileno quando era MCVP eleito e ele era um CEEDer proativo no escritório de Granada que foi para a conferencia Nacional. Empolgado com as perspectivas sobre comunicaçao que passei, organizou temporariamente no CL uma área de comunicaçao, mas acabou tendo que deixar a área para voltar pro Chile. Virou NST da espanha em TM e mais pra frente se postulou para me substituir e logo após seu ano como MCVP, virou MCP da Espanha. Com uma capacidade de aprender altissima, com forte foco em execuçao Sebas com certeza foi um otimo sucessor com quem tive oportunidade de compartilhar muitas coisas boas e crescer muito no processo de transiçao.


To whom it may concern,

It is my pleasure to endorse the candidacy of Gabryel Ferrari for the position of MCVP of AIESEC in Brazil.

I know Gabryel since a conference in 2008, but when we shared the most was during our transition, as he was my predecessor as MCVP Comm in Spain.

From him, I would like to highlight three elements that I think make his candidacy very good:

Combination of National and International Perspective: Being in the MC of Spain, allowed him to gain experience in 2 GNs (IGN and WENA). Also, he was part of the Global Communications Crew. This allows him to combine international perspective, with the national one, as he is currently member of AIESEC in Brazil.

Knowledge: As MCVP Comm, he implemented new communication processes, develop new materials, and improve the communications area at national level. From him I could learn a lot about this functional area, and I can guarantee that his preparation is in a top level.

AIESEC experience: being LCVP, MCVP abroad, in a Global team and Manager in Brazil, and performing well in all those positions, provides him with the perfect experience to also perform well as MCVP in Brazil.
For the reasons stated above, I believe that Gabryel is an excellent candidate for the positions he is standing for and I wish him all the best in the selection process.

If you need any more references, I am available to solve any doubt.

Kind regards,
Sebastián Tagle Ciudad
Vice President of Communications 09-10
MCP 10-11
AIESEC in Spain

Endorsement Letter - Carles & Marta - LCP @Bellaterra - 0809 & 0910

Também na linha CLs que eu dei coach, tenho a carta de Carles e Marta, LCPs  da 08-09 e 09-10, respectivamente, da AIESEC en Bellaterra, em Barcelona. Conheci os dois desde minha primeira conferencia como eleito e com certeza o nível de comprometimento dos dois com a Organizaçao foi algo que marcou fortemente. Carles, especialmente, que era LCP quando eu era coach, com certeza foi um dos caras que mais vi se desafiar em uma carreira de LCP, em vários momentos ele questionou-se muito em relaçao a valores e comportamentos, sempre tentando melhorar o máximo possivel nao somente em sua performance como LCP mas nele como um todo. Aprendi muitissimo no processo de coach do CL de Bellaterra, com certeza um CL com um EB incrivel e cheios de desafios vindos do passado e também para o futuro. Ambos sao pessoas que levo sempre no Coraçao.


Dear plenary of AIESEC in Brazil,

With these lines we want to give our support to Gabryel Ferrari in his application to becoming MC member of AIESEC in Brazil.

We met Gabryel last year when he was MCVP Communications of AIESEC Spain. After the unexpected resignation of our LC coach, Gabryel took the responsibility to carry on that role. Those were difficult times for AIESEC in Bellaterra, because like other LCs in Spain, we were about to close.

Having Gabryel as LC coach enabled us to learn from him in a personal and professional way, which was a great experience. He learned to analyze one by one the problems of the different areas, to understand each of the EB members and to help us finding solutions.

Gabryel has the ability to adapt very well to any situation, is very proactive and knows how to solve problems. He is also a very modest person, as he knows well his abilities and weaknesses, being able to proceed through life with a high level of maturity.

With an AIESECer heart, Gabryel has lived very close the development of the organization helping to make it bigger every day. Even now, he still asks for the development of our LC and has offered his support to help us with whatever we need.

For all the reasons given above, we would strongly endorse Gabryel Ferrari’s application for MCVP position. We believe he would bring great value to the MC team.

We wish him the best of luck on his application and selection process.
Carles Castelló
Local Committee President 08-09

Marta Alegre
Local Committee President 09-10

AIESEC in Bellaterra

Endorsement Letter - Siham - MCVPTM @Spain - 1011

Siham vai ficar para sempre marcada na minha vida como uma das pessoas mais doces e agradaveis de estar perto que eu conheci. Acolhedora e extremamente dedicada ao bem do próximo, desde que conheci ela, sempre foi um modelo de como uma pessoa boa deve se portar. Apesar de já termos conversado rapidamente durante a conferencia em que eu era eleito em Abril, fomos de fato nos conhecer depois que ela descobriu que eu havia virado coach do CL dela, AIESEC en Granada. Nessa conferencia ela me deu uma camiseta que guardo até hoje e com certeza está entre as minhas top camisetas da AIESEC. Ao longo do ano, conferencia após conferencia e durante as visitas de coach, fomos criando uma próximidade muito grande e hoje em dia digo claramente que Siham é uma grande amiga que ficou na espanha. Já conversamos por skype algumas vezes desde que ela começou seu periodo como MCVP TM na Espanha, após ter passado um ano como LCP (o qual conversamos muito para que ela tomasse a decisao de postular), e ficamos sempre na promessa do dia em que nos reencontraremos! Com certeza, outra pessoa que me ensinou muito o valor de cuidar do outro...


A quien concierne,

Yo, Siham Bennani, LCP del Comité Local de AIESEC en Granada apoyo totalmente la aplicación de Gabryel Ferrari para el puesto de MCVP Communications de AIESEC en Brasil.

A lo largo del año anterior, 2008/09, he tenido el gran placer de trabajar con Gabryel Ferrari, ya que fue MCVP Communications de AIESEC en España y el coach de mi LC, AIESEC en Granada.

Tanto su trabajo en el MC como su trabajo como coach dejó una gran huella positiva durante su período. También destacar que he notado en Gabryel una evolución considerable tanto profesional como personalmente. Ha aprendido a adaptarse a situaciones diversas, a escuchar y a abrir su corazón.

Durante los últimos cuatro meses de su período, fue mi mayor apoyo tanto dentro como fuera de AIESEC. Me ayudó a sobre pasar situaciones muy difíciles, me abrió los ojos y me hizo darme cuenta de lo que era capaz de hacer tener una alta auto estima. Incluso a fecha de hoy me ha estado apoyando en las diversas etapas por las que estoy pasando, gritando presente cada vez que le he necesitado.

Por todo lo mencionado anteriormente, reitero e insisto que es un candidato perfecto para el puesto.

Si necesitáis más información o cualquier tipo de aclaración, no dudéis en contactar conmigo.

Un cordial saludo

Siham Bennani
Presidenta de AIESEC Granada (España)

Endorsement Letter - Carlos - LCP @IQS - 0910

Também na linha de VPs COMM que viraram LCPs tenho Carlos do CL de IQS em Barcelona. Com certeza uma das figuras que mais me desafiou como VP, tive muito boas conversas e discussoes com Carlos sobre a AIESEC e as peculiaridades da comunicaçao de IQS. De longe um dos caras mais criativos com quem já encontrei, Carlos nao era nem de longe como qualquer outro jovem espanhol, era claramente uma figura que se destacava onde que que tivesse. Para mim foi incrivelmente bom ter esse garoto trabalhando comigo e com certeza nao dá pra medir o quanto aprendi com ele.


To whom may it concern,

Through this letter, I would like to give my support to the application of Gabryel Ferrari for being part of the MC in Brazil 2010-2011.

I knew Gabryel last year when I was just elected as VP Finance and COMM Coordinator in AIESEC IQS, the LC where I am LCP currently. For those days, before the arrival of Gabryel to the MC in Spain, being part of the Communications team was not as motivating as now, and it’s in part thanks to the knowledge of Gabryel and his Creative and innovative way of thinking.

He is especially proactive and energetic, not only working and creating new communications support but also facilitating crowded sesions or individual trainings and he was also able to transmit you the information and knowledge enough to make you trust in him and his goals as MCVP COMM.

What I am sure about is that Gabryel changed the way of thinking about the communication processes in AIESEC in Spain and because of that currently we have one VP comm in each LC… The newies and the members could see that being part of the communications team was something more that stick posters on the wall.
In addition, I know that being part of the MC in Spain 2008-2009 was a really enriching and huge experience to Gabryel, he had the ability to import some trends and useful tools from abroad and implement them to our reality with important results in terms of applicants rate or attendants to the info sessions.

Finally, with all the facts (the ones that impressed me the most) I’ve mentioned above, I think Gabryel is one Innovative, proactive and creative member who can be really high performing, and because of that, I want to express my sincerely and whole support to his Application.

Carlos García Navares,
AIESEC in Spain

Endorsement Letter - Anna - LCP @Valladolid - 0910, 1011

Ana com certeza é uma personalidade que fica marcada na vida de qualquer um que encontra com ela. Conheci ela quando era MCVP COMM eleito na Espanha e ela era uma membro novo do CL de Valladolid que tinha feito intercambio no Brasil e ficou muito empolgada com minha sessao de comunicaçao. Quando chego em julho na primeira conferencia Nacional do meu MC descubro que ela havia se tornado a VP comunicaçao do CL. Com certeza Ana esteve durante o ano entre minhas top VPs. Determinada e sempre pronta para aprender, em várias conferencias as conversas que tivemos foram um apoio importante na minha jornada na Espanha. Fiquei Muito feliz depois que soube que ela foi eleita LCP de Valladolid. Agora estou mais Feliz ainda por que nessa semana descobri que ela se postulou também para MCP na Espanha... espero realmente reve-la em breve :)


My name is Ana Proaño and I am currently LCP of AIESEC in Valladolid (Spain) and I am very pleased to support the candidacy of Gabryel Ferrari for the MC of AIESEC in Brasil.I met Gabryel last year when I was VP comm in my LC and he was MCVP Communications.

The main characteristic that describes Gabryel is passion for his work. He managed to implement the need of the communications area in Spain, when it was not an important area in our country. I can also tell also he is a very professional member of AIESEC who knows pefectly why AIESEC is the best way to improve and develop professional and personal skills. I know he has a long term plan for his professional life, and I am sure he will do the best of him if he is elected as MC member of AIESEC Brazil.

My best regards

Local Committe President

terça-feira, 30 de novembro de 2010

Endorsement Letter - Juan - MCVP ER @Mexico - 0809

É realmente muito bom quando você vai ocupar um cargo e seu antecessor está satisfeito com a substituiçao... é ainda melhor, se mesmo depois você ter acabado seu termo teu antecessor olha teu trabalho e fica feliz com o que você fez, e nao diz coisas tipo "ele estragou tudo que eu tinha feito..." e coisas do genêro. Por isso ter recebido uma carta de Juan, meu antecessor como MCVP na Espanha foi tao importante. Encontrei Juan poucas vezes, pois quando eu cheguei para transiçao atrasado (por questoes de visto) ele estava saindo para o méxico para começar o termo dele de MCVPER lá. Com certeza a conexao de cabeças foi muito bom, e apesar de saber do tamanho do desafio que eu teria que enfrentar no meu ano na Espanha ele nunca me deixou desanimar ou cortou minhas ambiçoes, pois sempre acreditou que em meu termo eu conseguiria evoluir o trabalho dele, como todo antecessor deve fazer!


I proudly want to endorse the candidature of Gabryel Ferrari to the position of Vice-president of Communication of AIESEC Brazil 2010/11.

I have worked with Gabryel in some national conferences, exchanging experiences and points of view, and as my successor in AIESEC in Spain. After 2 years now, I can say that I’m really proud of the performance of Gabryel and the processes and the strategies he implemented during his term.

Gabryel has revealed an immense knowledge about all AIESEC Systems, such as communication, exchange management, strategies implementation, execution of a strategic plan, and of course the derivable of our core work at LC level in his diverse and challenger country where he is currently working on.

In addition, during his past experiences at local and national level, he demonstrated an extreme organized capacity to play different roles, with a very distinctive leadership style, managing different teams, always with a results’ orientation that drive him to accomplish great results, becoming those in sustainable growth for any country where he is working.

With his exceptional organization, strategic thinking and execution plans, he always demonstrated a great understanding of the global association, stating very unique inputs that show his strategic thinking and commitment to the organization as a whole.

For the role of a Vice-president, Gabryel can provide an exceptional contribution combined with his past experiences outside AIESEC in his work realized and his participation in different areas. Therefore, because of all the competencies, skills, commitment and knowledge, I do believe Gabryel can broaden Brazil performance, adapting all his contribution to a real strategic development for every LC he can support.

For all this reasons mentioned above, I want to reinforce my support for the application of Gabryel for Vice-president of Communication of AIESEC in Brazil.

Wishing him the very best,

Juan José Mora
Sustainability and Social Communication Manager
Grupo Salinas
MCVPER AIESEC in Mexico 2008-2009

Endorsement Letter - Irasema - MCVPTM @Spain - 0809

Perdao pelo gap de posts, mas a medida que CONAL vai chegando perto a coisa vai apertando por aqui... vida de MC amiguinhos é boa más é dificil (pra nao dizer f***).

Agora partimos para a série de cartas de pessoas que conheci no meu periodo de MCVP na Espanha. A primeira delas é de uma pessoa que tem um siginificado muito grande na minha experiencia. Irasema Vazquez,  também conhecida Yeni. De longe uma das pessoas mais competentes do meu time, devo a Yeni a sensibilidade para pessoas que tenho hoje. Quando cheguei na Espanha era extremanete brusco e como ela gostava de dizer tinha "Zero Awareness of the Others". Hoje no MC do Brasil sou o que sempre lembra do Valor do cuidado com o outro, e esse tipo de coisa com certeza nunca teria sido despertado sem a ajuda de Yeni. Fiz vários amigos na Espanha, mas poucos foram tao significativos e me ensinaram tanto como essa mexicana cantora!


To whom it may concern,

I’m writing you to address my impressions about Gabryel Melo Ferrari candidature has MCVP of AIESEC Brazil 2010-2011 term. I had the opportunity to work with Gabryel at national level, in AIESEC in Spain 2008-2009 period.

During his term as MCVP Communications of AIESEC in Spain, Gabryel was continuously facing different opinions towards both direction and implementation of process mainly in his area. As MCVP, his main contribution was empowering and setting the basis for Communications area; by a period of time he helped the national network even more if he was part of the “MyAIESEC.net musketeers”. On the other hand, he had to change his strategy regarding the processes he wanted to develop during that year, because the country and the team strategy were aiming something different. This directly affected his mindset about the Vice President role, and also, the experience abroad; nevertheless he did a self analysis, and compromised
himself to cope with his new goals.

All I said was quite challenging for him, but he ran for the Global Communication Crew to compliment the more knowledgeable part of his role. At some point, his relationship with each part of the MC team differed to each team-member personality; synergies were made between the areas which were able to understand Gabryel’s working style. The closest you get to know Gabryel, the easiest you work and collaborate as a team, which means he has a strong positioning towards strategy and team collaboration approach.

His ability to create and innovate is something needed in each team, and I believe they will play an important role to make him a great part of the MC next year. I consider that Gabryel is a working under pressure person; this enables him to strive not only for needed but for excellent results. If this lack of time is missing, his motivation may be affected, as well his ability to deal with his immediate tasks.

Finally, knowing Gabryel’s personality, and having worked with him for a year, I believe on his professional abilities. Gabryel has deep understanding of our organization and its processes, having experiences at local, national and international level. Therefore, I wish he could have this national role to complete the professional development he aims, plus the personal development he needs. I wish him the best for his candidacy to become MCVP of AIESEC in Brazil 2010-2011.

Yours faithfully,

Irasema Vázquez Cano
METRO Cash & Carry International AIESEC Düsseldorf Partner
AIESEC in Spain MCVPTM 2008-2009
AIESEC Veracruz LCVP TM 2006-2007
AIESEC Veracruz LCVP FZ 2004-2006