quarta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2010

Endorsement Letter - Carles & Marta - LCP @Bellaterra - 0809 & 0910

Também na linha CLs que eu dei coach, tenho a carta de Carles e Marta, LCPs  da 08-09 e 09-10, respectivamente, da AIESEC en Bellaterra, em Barcelona. Conheci os dois desde minha primeira conferencia como eleito e com certeza o nível de comprometimento dos dois com a Organizaçao foi algo que marcou fortemente. Carles, especialmente, que era LCP quando eu era coach, com certeza foi um dos caras que mais vi se desafiar em uma carreira de LCP, em vários momentos ele questionou-se muito em relaçao a valores e comportamentos, sempre tentando melhorar o máximo possivel nao somente em sua performance como LCP mas nele como um todo. Aprendi muitissimo no processo de coach do CL de Bellaterra, com certeza um CL com um EB incrivel e cheios de desafios vindos do passado e também para o futuro. Ambos sao pessoas que levo sempre no Coraçao.


Dear plenary of AIESEC in Brazil,

With these lines we want to give our support to Gabryel Ferrari in his application to becoming MC member of AIESEC in Brazil.

We met Gabryel last year when he was MCVP Communications of AIESEC Spain. After the unexpected resignation of our LC coach, Gabryel took the responsibility to carry on that role. Those were difficult times for AIESEC in Bellaterra, because like other LCs in Spain, we were about to close.

Having Gabryel as LC coach enabled us to learn from him in a personal and professional way, which was a great experience. He learned to analyze one by one the problems of the different areas, to understand each of the EB members and to help us finding solutions.

Gabryel has the ability to adapt very well to any situation, is very proactive and knows how to solve problems. He is also a very modest person, as he knows well his abilities and weaknesses, being able to proceed through life with a high level of maturity.

With an AIESECer heart, Gabryel has lived very close the development of the organization helping to make it bigger every day. Even now, he still asks for the development of our LC and has offered his support to help us with whatever we need.

For all the reasons given above, we would strongly endorse Gabryel Ferrari’s application for MCVP position. We believe he would bring great value to the MC team.

We wish him the best of luck on his application and selection process.
Carles Castelló
Local Committee President 08-09

Marta Alegre
Local Committee President 09-10

AIESEC in Bellaterra

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